Wendy69A GB


Wendy69A's Profile GB

Name: Wendy69A
Joined: 4 years ago
Country: United Kingdom
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Other people have watched Wendy69A's videos: 0 times
Profile viewed: 630 times
Favourite category: Lesbian
Education: Aberdeen Uni
About me: Im 6ft tall, long dark hair, blue eyes, 36 d tits, shaven pussy, married but that's never stopped me at "least" chatting.
Interests: Love football, cooking, having a few drinks....and of course love sex !!
My Favourite Videos: Porn videos ? Lesbian, swingers...too many too mention
My favourite music: bit of a rock chick ac/dc, Iron maiden, deep purple also Dylan, springsteen the list goes on
My favourite books: Lord of the rings, Aleister Crowleys confessions to name just two


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